bPukar/b Malla. The ad-hoc committee will meet in the days following to decide on how we go forward with the banner under which the convention will be hosted. In the coming weeks, a more formal planning committee will also be decided. b.../b A short introduction on the available venues was given and everyone was in general agreement that we should move forward with ANA representatives starting their negotiations with the bHotels/b for the venues. b.../b
While I can't say the bhotel/b was the most comfortable, it was well worth it to see the building as a whole. It's truly reminiscent of the golden age of Peru. Unfortunately now, due to a much weakened economy, the bhotel/b is no longer in b.../b
b.../b del corredor sur del altiplano visitando el Templo de Andahuaylillas o Capilla Sixtina de América, el Templo Inka de Raqchi, el paso de la Raya a 4335 msnm y el Museo Inka Aymara de bPukara/b. Llegada al bhotel/b en Cusco y pernocte b.../b